Who is Thoresa?
This is a character bio written for a project entitled VALHALLA which I’m creating with Brandyn Toone:
Thoresa just wants to spend the rest of her days popping pills and cuffing small-time perps, but then gets dragged into the middle of an intergalaxy plot to end the universe. She wasn’t always this dejected though.
She grew up on Midgard with her local politician OTIS. He was her hero, fighter for the common man. But then his ambition outgrew his integrity and he started playing the political game still under the guise of “man of the people.” He eventually became Prime Minister with the number one campaign promise being to build the BIFROST GATE between Midgard and ASGARD with the promise of more government access tot he lower class, but not without selling his soul to OURCORP. Thoresa knew he did this and couldn’t forgive him so they stopped talking then.
She has strong direction of justice (even when she’s drugged out), so she fell into the galactic detective department even though she sees the same tendrils of corruption here that she saw in government. But she met her partner SYLVIA when they were both getting started and they agreed that if nobody else would stay uncorrupt, they’d at least be able to hold each other accountable and this worked for most of their career until Sylvia’s sudden death from an explosion while on the job.
The explosion was during what was supposed to be a routine investigation into potential squatters in an abandoned OURCORP factory on MUSPELHEIM, but then they discovered the beginnings of FRANCINE’S research into creating a bio-genetically engineered Goddess of Death. But she sent BOULDER to stop THORESA and SYLVIA but it turned into giant fire fight and the factory ended up exploding thereby killing both Sylvia and Boulder. Francince and Thoresa who didn’t like each other much before, had even more reason to hate each other after this, and Thoresa began falling into a suicidal path of slow destruction thanks to an addiction to her nemesis’ big money drug, VALHALLA.
VALHALLA (street name: VALLEY’S) promises immortality and eternal vigor, but when you boil it down, it’s really just a very super over-powered Oxycodone Extra Strength. When taken in the right dose, the drug makes the user virtually invincible thanks to it’s mix of cybernetics??, plus a welcome side effect is a euphoric sense of valor and confidence. When taken in the wrong plus-size dose (as it usually is) however, the drug fuels unchecked narcissism, rage, and aggression.
Thanks to her many years of diligent practice though, Thoresa has hit the almost “perfect” balance of complete numbness and self-destructive invincibility thereby making her possibly the best leader of a suicidal mission straight into the Sun.